Wednesday, June 23, 2010

empty bowl.

after the first few minutes in scooty's house, i immediately took note of two things. First, there was an overall complete lack of conversation. he literally had nothing to say, and i had run out of my own material somewhere in the middle of date number 2. Second, he had pictures of himself, solo, framed around the house. At first, I jumped to the conclusion that he was vain; however, after a few more moments of silence, I had the time to realize that he has no friends to take pictures with.
he cooked a delicious dinner. as we ate, listening mostly to the sounds of us chewing, scooty suggested a walk to a close by ice cream parlor. it was then that i realized scooty loves the silence between us. i want to run away and hide from it, but he's perfectly comfortable with quiet contemplation and silence. the thought of walking a few blocks for ice cream and drawing out the silence seemed like the worst idea ever, and i don't even like ice cream. But, in true allison form, i smiled and said yes and secretly hoped for some sort of excitement to spark.
the short walk was actually 15 blocks, which, when wearing super cute sandals and walking in silence is not short at all. by the time we arrived at coldstone, i had entered into cranky-land. i was so bored and now tired and hot, and i dreaded the walk home.
however, things livened up when we arrived at the ice cream store, i ordered a typical dish of ice cream, size small. scooty, however, threw me and the guy working for a loop when he ordered an empty waffle bowl. I believe his exact words were, "can i get a plain waffle bowl please?"
and i was done. i laughed until i cried, and not really in a good way...more of a "wtf" or "fml" kind of way. and as i laughed, and scooty stared at me like i was crazy, i realized his ice cream choice is a metaphor for his life...he is the empty waffle bowl that he ordered. a nice, sweet, sturdy structure, and that is all.

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